Ship Classes
 Heavy Transport |
 Light Transport |
 Runabout |
 Runner |
 Shuttlecraft |
 Sloop |

The Runner is a modified Sloop, fitted with two extra engines and a pair of cargo pods. This gives the ship extra speed and warp distance over its cousin, allowing the quick hauling of moderate amounts of cargo over long distances.
Sensors and cabin space have been slightly decreased in size to lessen the load on the ship, yet the newfound cargo space makes up for that. Shield generation sees a slight boost at the expense of hull integrity.

The Sloop is great as quickly sneaking into a region of space, gathering data, then sneaking out just as quickly.
It has minimal weapons, so battle should be avoided. The Sloop also lacks cargo space, so trading and most missions are not possible.

The Runabout is a basically a large Shuttlecraft with double capacity. It controls better than its smaller cousin, yet it not as quick is capital class vessels.
Most cadets graduate to the Runabout after learning with the Shuttlecraft, then they quickly move to other ships after saving enough credits.
2007-11-15Heavy Transport

Heavy Transports are the largest model of cargo freighters in a superclass of three.
This particular model contains massive amounts of cargo space with a sacrifice of engine space, causing a decrease in acceleration and turning when compared to its brethren.
If one plans to avoid battles and focus on trading large amounts of goods, hauling cargo, and taking on several concurrent missions, this ship can't be passed up.
2007-11-11Light Transport

Light Transports are the smallest model of cargo freighters in a superclass of three.
This particular model sacrifices some cargo space over the larger types to allow for more engine space to increase acceleration and turning.
If one plans to avoid battles and focus on trading goods and hauling cargo, this ship can't be passed up.

Shuttlecrafts are very easy ships to locate due to their low costs and mass production. Thus, all aspiring pilots begin with them as a starter class.
This type of ship is slow on maneuvering and limited on weapons, so it is not a good idea to single-handedly engage in battle against an on-coming fleet. The main purpose of a Shuttlecraft is to transport small amounts of cargo and get a handle for flying before purchasing something more useful.